Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Man had his birthday

I baked this cake yesterday with a never-fail recipe I've been using for years. (Have I ever mentioned, I am a die-hard d-i-y baker and stay a mile away from the instant mixes.) This time around, I tried a ganache glaze frosting using white choc coz the Man just happens to love white choc. The decorating was done with a home-made butter cream icing and gel icing-in-a-tube from the store. The product was satisfactory for a first attempt with frosting.

Following the cake-cutting:

It just so happens that my auntie who'd taught me to knit as a pre-teen, also used to bake and frost fantasy character cakes, with my Uncle's able help and support. This cake is nowhere near any of those but well, I'm happy for what it's worth. I especially liked the red-on-ivory color combination, and the way it turned out much better than I'd anticipated. Also, the contrast of the matte-red (of butter cream) with the translucent red gel.

So, as a gift for the birthday, I bought a Dyson. I know what you're thinking. No, it's not a cheap thing to pull off - just practical. I learnt from a friend some world-truths on selecting gifts for your spouse. Without getting into further details, rest assured that I've made my friend proud. And with a home as clean as it is right now, the DH quite content. :)

Okay, so here's the part I don't get. We went out for dinner to a Persian restaurant tonight upon a recommendation. This was the first time we had dined at Negeen. The food was terrific and as we eat, to my utter astonishment, out flows a belly dancer decked in glitter and performs for the next 30 minutes. Turned out that this unexpected treat - of watching belly dancing - beat all other hands down. Now what do you say to that!? DH claims he'd no clue we would be in for this up-close. Do I believe him? ;)


AuntieAnn said...

I seem to recall something like that happening to us a number of years ago -- at an Egyptian restaurant, if I recall correctly.

AuntieAnn said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog -- I do think I've learned quite a lot about knitting socks in particular, and knitting in general, since I caught the knitting bug big-time last year, partly thanks to blogs like yours!

Also, I wanted to let you know I have made use of one of your ideas you mentioned here some time ago -- I am emailing links to blogs with especially helpful tips to my gmail account, and then categorizing them under "knitting tips". Thanks!

Migrating Thoughts - Ramblings of a Mind said...

Deepa! Nice cake.

Looks like u got Vikas to blog too!! :)