Friday, February 16, 2007


Ofcourse I'm subscribed to Yarn Harlot's blog! (For the benefit of non-knitters in my life who might read this, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee writes humour of the knitting world. Psst: search her name on Amazon.)

Her post of Feb 16, 2007, 'Represent' had me sit up. If you want to hear from the celebrated author about the size and purchase-power of the knitting world, read that post. It overwhelmed me, despite having been to knitting conventions and keeping myself tuned into the various blogs, podcasts, KALs (knit-alongs), meetups, yarn swaps, charities and online magazines.

And isn't it nice that she is attempting to change the world? Very impressive how she's planned an event and only then proceeded to complain about the issue she wants to take a shot at resolving. The skeptic in me does consider the possibility of this being a clever marketing ploy for her new book but in matters like these, the skeptic has to take a backseat because the change, if impacted, will be welcome. Never mind any possible ulterior motives. That's my opinion and I wish her luck in the endeavor.

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