Sunday, March 25, 2007

Title change - why now?

This is a preemptive post. I've made a drastic change to the title and this can spell trouble. I deliberated for all of 30 seconds on my options before I went ahead with it. This, in no way undermines the importance of holding on to a title - it's a brand after all. There was a nasty problem with my earlier one and I've looked away from it long enough. The 30 seconds of problem-solving, in this case, came not a second too early.

Begin explanation: the title this far (An Engineer's Day Out Knitting) was quite removed from the URL which suggests 'Deep-Thought workshop'. End of explanation.

Psst: I've launched a new blog: Deep-Thought Lab: A Linux Diary. Good time to set the title straight, don't you think?

1 comment:

AuntieAnn said...

Clearly you are a deep thinker.