Monday, January 01, 2007

' I can' is one hundred times more important than IQ

goes a quote.

I suspect every once in a while people face the very limits of their (perceived?) capability. Analyzing such situations with objectivity is certainly possible, but alas, only in hind-sight. On the flip side, it's less about analyzing and more about accepting.

How does anyone ever measure individual capacity? Would you know for a fact if something is possible of you or not? And to what level of excellence? How much learning and practice can get you there? And would a lifetime of attempting suffice?

Is excelling at some interest more important than just plain enjoying it? Does dedication make up for lack of brilliance? Some think so. I'm not quite sure at the moment. Does 'I can' really stand in for IQ??


Vikas Dhurka said...

"Don't drink and blog" goes another quote.

Deepa said...

Good point V.! Guilty as charged. :) It was New Year for cryin' out loud.

PS: My rant is not in the least to do with my love/interest/aptitude/expertise in knitting. Far from it. Knitting is my little world where such questions seem incongruous and out of place. In my knitting/crafting world, I'm the veritable reigning queen!!! or perhaps the resident ogre, depending on your perspective ;)

Eweforia said...

Interesting questions. As with many things, I suspect it is a matter of both. And it is good to know one's limitations.

Chandy said...

Very philosophical. Spiked my interest. Following the line of your thoughts, ultimately who decides how proficient one is? Is it history, critics or your own self? I have often found that it is random acts that last in our memory and surprise us at strange times. And the satisfaction at the end of the day, when your head hits the pillow, that you did take the chance and try to find our more about yourself despite the world of drudgery.